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Center for College & Career Readiness Office of Undergraduate Studies

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QRAT/ TQR Professional Learning for Math Teachers

Training At-A-Glance

Using a facilitative teaching approach, teachers reposition themselves from "sage on the stage" to "guide on the side" to create a more student-centered classroom. This allows teachers to learn with their students, shifting their mathematical understanding and pedagogical framework.

  • Real-world tasks, simulations, and patterning are at the heart of this course.
  • Like their students, teachers work in groups to solve problems requiring them to gather, analyze, and evaluate information.
  • Building on prior knowledge, teachers, like their students, collaborate to uncover the underlying structures of mathematics and connect these concepts using critical reasoning expressed through written and oral communication.
  • With a focus on depth, not breadth, this teaching style reignites students' curiosity, leaving them more confident in their transition to college and career pathways.
  • Upon completing the professional learning, teachers will be certified to teach both courses:

    Quantitative Reasoning with Advanced Math Topics (QRAT)
    Transition to Quantitative Reasoning (TQR)

    Click the buttons below to learn more about each course.
    Contact Dr. Ravin Pan for more information.
Math teachers at last year's professional learning session.
Our courses are predicated on the idea that students' negative disposition toward mathematics can change in an environment that fosters engagement and conceptual learning.

QRAT/TQR Training at Sac State

Quantitative Reasoning with Advanced Math Topics (QRAT)
and Transition to Quantitative Reasoning (TQR)

  • June 16, 17, 18, 20 (In-Person)
    9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    August 12, 2025 (Online)
    9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

FREE LODGING (at Home2 Suites) for the first 10 teachers living 80 miles or more outside Sacramento!

QRAT/TQR Training at Fresno State

Transition to Quantitative Reasoning (TQR)

  • July 7-11 (In-Person)
    9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Quantitative Reasoning with Advanced Math Topics (QRAT)

  • July 7-11 and July 14-15 (In-Person)
    9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

For more information, contact:

Sharon Uyeno
EAP Coordinator at Fresno State | (559) 278-4775

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Continuing Education Units are available to teachers upon successful completion of the TQR/QRAT Professional Learning Program. Registration and payment must be received no later than two weeks following the last class meeting.

Cost: $65.00 for 2 units

To register, complete this Registration Agreement and follow the instructions listed.

For more information, contact:

Liz Arellanes
Sacramento State College of Continuing Education | (916) 278-6249